miércoles, 31 de julio de 2013


Estos son los últimos días que pasa Valentina en su granja-escuela (la guardería a la que va es Mi Pequeña Granja, una escuela con un gran espacio al aire libre llena de animales, huertos y plantas)
Después del verano ya irá al colegio y nos da cierta pena que deje de pasar el día entre animales y plantas, sobre todo porque ella se levanta todos los días contentísima diciendo que quiere ir a la granja, incluso los fines de semana!!
Os dejo con imágenes de la granjita, que suerte hemos tenido de encontrar un lugar así..., todas las semanas ha cocinado, ha hecho pan, ha cuidado a los animales, ha recolectado verduras de la huerta, ha sembrado, ha llevado su carretilla llena de verduras ayudando a Carlos... lo ha pasado bomba y para nosotros ha sido genial saber que los momentos que ha pasado separada de nosotros lo ha hecho en un sitio tan agradable y bonito, con unos amiguitos tan majos y unas profes tan cariñosas, Gracias Granjita, te echaremos de menos ^_^ ( Gracias Esther, Carlos, Maggie, Carolina, Cristina... ♥)

Os dejo con fotos de Mi Pequeña Granja y los días que ha pasado Valentina allí.

Valentina is spending her last days at "My little farm" that is the name of the nursery farm she attends, a place with plenty outdoors space full of animals, vegetable gardens and plants.
After summer she is supposed to start attending to school and we are a little bit sad thinking that maybe she is going to miss this place (she wakes up everyday talking about how happy she is in her little farm, even on the weekends)
Below you´ll see some pics of the farm. We are lucky to have found such a nice place where she has had the opportunity to cook bread, take care of animals, plant flowers, pick veggies straight from the garden and carry them on cute small barrows helping Carlos out with all the work at the vegetable garden. She has really had a good time there and for us it has been such a pleasure and such a relieve to know she was having fun with her friends and friendly teachers when she was away from us. 

Thanks, little farm! we will miss you a lot (thanks Esther, Carlos, Maggie, Carolina, Cristina... ♥)

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